
3 Simple Techniques for Energy Healing (Try Them Right Now!)


‘Energy Healing’ has become a buzzword, as more and more people are realizing the importance of taking care of the subtle energy body. Subtle energy is known by many names (in Yoga, we call it prana), but essentially, it is the animating life force behind all physical manifestation, including your body. Practicing energy healing techniques regularly can help maintain inner harmony, clarity, and overall well-being.

There are countless forms of subtle energy healing, from Reiki to Yoga to Tai Chi. These energy clearing traditions and practices are designed to enhance the flow of subtle energy, assisting in the practitioner’s well-being in body and mind. Rather than ‘fixing’ or ‘curing’ a person, these energy healing techniques focus on good energetic self-care practices daily, so that the root cause of disease and unhappiness (i.e., a lack of proper energy flow), can never take root.

Like brushing our teeth, washing our hair, and cleaning our home, regular hygiene is required to live a fully vibrant and healthy energetic life. The simple, daily habits that we engage in to clean, clear, and refresh our energy field are what keep our personal energy field flowing freely and strongly. A free-flowing energy body results in healthier bones, organs, and muscles; a happier and more focused mind; and a lighter heart, or emotional life.

In this article, we’ll take a look at three simple and practical energy healing techniques that you can try yourself, beginning right now! These techniques don’t require any background in traditional energy clearing practices—just an open mind and a willingness to tune in.

Let’s take a look at three simple techniques that you can try right now to connect with your subtle energy body for health and happiness.

Technique #1: Set Intentions

The simple act of pausing to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and set a conscious intention before you begin anything is both prayerful and protective. A conscious intention dials the heart-mind to a particular frequency that we choose for ourselves, and that frequency we set helps to create the reality that we experience. Setting intentions is a key part of protecting your energy and directing your personal energy field toward positive, intentional living.

For instance, if at the beginning of each day, we set the conscious, heartfelt intention to be calm and confident in all situations, we effectively tune the heart-mind to that frequency and attract experiences that resonate with our intention. As we move through the day, we will find that situations that match the frequency we have chosen naturally come to us. Oppositely, any situation that may challenge our intention provides us with an opportunity to deepen it by asking us to recall the intention and return to the frequency we’ve chosen.

It is a small and powerful act to set an intention for the day or even a tiny moment within it. It’s a means of engaging with the power of the mind and the subtle energy body working together. The thoughts that we think and the words that we speak resonate at particular frequencies (or measurable energetic sine waves) that can be felt by the people and situations in our environment. In other words, life is responding to us based on the frequencies we emit.

In conclusion

Consciousness itself is a powerful, creative tool. Engaging our conscious mind in setting intentions is a way to live a focused and creative life. Regardless of the energy of the environment you find yourself in, or the people you’re with, you feel empowered to remain in the frequency you’ve chosen, and in your authentic energy. In this way, intentions create a protective forcefield while igniting the power of the mind for inspired and authentic living.

Technique #2: Call Your Energy Back

It happens: you spend some time with a particular someone—or group of someones—and for the rest of the day, your mind is reeling, replaying, and processing the interactions. This is a sign that it’s time for some energetic self-care.

When we share space with others, our energies mingle and sometimes get ‘stuck’ in the environment we’re in or in the personal energy field of the person(s) we’re with. It’s not uncommon for our subtle energy to get ‘stuck’ in a place we’ve visited in the past, or in thoughts and ruminations about somebody else. That’s why energy clearing is an important part of self-care.

The simplest way to call your authentic energy back to yourself is to: pause, close your eyes, and call it back. Visualize it returning to you as you silently say to yourself, “I call my energy back, clean and clear.” At the end of the day, our personal energy has no business lingering in the past, or in the spaces of others. Protecting your energy in this way ensures that you remain present and vibrant.

In conclusion

The next time you part ways with a friend (or foe!), take a moment to pause and call your energy back. This simple energy clearing technique will ensure that your energy field will remain in the present moment, and your mind will not be stuck in rumination.

Technique #3: Let Go of What's Not Yours

Just as our authentic energy can get ‘stuck’ in spaces, so too can the energies of others get ‘stuck’ in ours. It’s natural for energies to mingle, relate, and even merge for a time. However, when the energies of others begin to take up residence in our subtle energy body, we may experience fatigue, brain fog, or even self-doubt. That’s why regularly cleansing and clearing your energy is essential for overall well-being.

A good energetic self-care technique for letting go of energy that is not yours is to: pause, close your eyes, and consciously send the energies of others back to their higher self. Visualize the energy clearing as the energy returns to its rightful place, ensuring that both you and the other person remain centered and boundaried.

In conclusion

Although we are designed to live in community, it’s wise to have proper energetic boundaries that keep what is yours with you, and what is not yours, with the other. Letting go of energy that isn’t yours allows you to stay in your authentic energy and move through life with more clarity and personal power.

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed these energy healing techniques for self-energy healing! It’s my intention that you feel empowered and inspired by reading this article. Energetic self-care techniques like the ones above are powerful, yet they only take one conscious moment to put into practice.

Include these techniques into your day, and take note of any shifts, both big and subtle.

And, most importantly, remember…

🌿 The universe can only respond to you in harmony when you are singing your unique song—when you are in your authentic energy! 🌿

Take care of your subtle energy body, and watch how life unfolds for you in infinite beauty and alignment.

With Love,
